Frankincense Essential Oil


Frankincense essential oil is used for a variety of purposes, including aromatherapy, skincare, and to relieve stress. 


  • Stress reliefFrankincense's anti-anxiety properties can help calm and lift the spirit
  • Sleep aidFrankincense can help people fall asleep
  • MeditationFrankincense can help with centering and calming

            Skincare :

  • Anti-agingFrankincense can help improve skin tone and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and scars 
  • Wound healingFrankincense can help heal wounds and skin ulcers 
  • Skin elasticityFrankincense can improve skin elasticity and tone 
  • BlemishesFrankincense can help reduce blemishes and discoloration 

Our Essential Oils Are Organically Made & Ever Ingredent Is Organic! The Size Of The Bottles Are 15ml.

Ingredients : Frankincense & Organic Olive Oil